
Filecoin Foundation’s Vision and Strategic Priorities for 2025

Dec 6, 2024

In October, we celebrated the four-year anniversary of Filecoin mainnet launch. It’s been an incredible four years; today, the Filecoin network includes hundreds of teams and thousands of storage providers around the world, and Filecoin is the world’s largest decentralized file storage network.

As Filecoin Foundation (FF) looks ahead to 2025, we want to offer a closer look at FF’s vision and strategic priorities. In 2025, FF’s top objective is to mobilize the Filecoin community to make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product-market fit.

Filecoin Foundation’s Vision and Role in the Ecosystem  

FF’s mission is to preserve humanity’s most important information by facilitating the open-source governance of the Filecoin network, funding research and development projects related to Filecoin and decentralized technologies, and supporting the growth of the Filecoin ecosystem and community. FF’s vision is to create a world in which Filecoin and related decentralized technologies preserve and protect humanity’s most important information, empower users, and embed core civil liberties and human rights—such as free speech and privacy—into the fabric of the world’s technological infrastructure. We want to build a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for the future of the Web.

The Filecoin ecosystem is fully decentralized, and that means that FF does not lead or dictate the direction of the Filecoin ecosystem. Rather, like other open-source governance bodies, FF’s goal is to bring together and empower the Filecoin community – including storage providers, data clients, token-holders, developers, and other ecosystem participants. This includes facilitating the Filecoin network’s open-source governance process, providing funding to teams building in the ecosystem, and hosting events to convene ecosystem participants, as well as supporting the Filecoin community in other ways.

FF’s top ecosystem-facing objective in 2025 is to make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product-market fit – but FF cannot dictate what the Filecoin community should do to achieve those goals. Rather, FF’s strategic priorities in 2025 are about bringing the community together to achieve those goals – including driving a process to align the community on the most important actions to take to make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product market fit, supporting projects that will help accomplish those goals, and shifting towards playing a larger role in convening the Filecoin ecosystem to get the right people in the room talking about the right thing at the right time.

Filecoin Foundation’s Strategic Priorities in 2025

In 2025, FF’s top ecosystem-facing objective is to mobilize the Filecoin community to make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product-market fit.

To achieve this objective of making Filecoin work seamlessly and finding product-market fit, FF has outlined the following strategic priorities that will be FF’s laser-focus for 2025:

  1. Wage a war on pain points; drive a process to align the community on the most important actions to take to make Filecoin work seamlessly and achieve product market fit
  2. Shift from a “launching” culture to an “iterating” culture, emphasizing quality, polish, and stability
  3. Support open-source data onboarding tools, with an eye towards stability
  4. Keep the community excited through high-profile and high-quality integrations and partnerships (including platform integrations and AI partnerships)
  5. Support storage providers in finding profitable business models and boosting paid storage deals, including through supporting a deal pipeline
  6. Dramatically increase on-chain activity
  7. Shift towards FF playing a larger role in coordinating and convening across the ecosystem, getting the right people in the room talking about the right thing at the right time
  8. Shift towards FF playing a larger role in coordinating ecosystem participants around ecosystem-wide communications

FF can’t achieve the objective of making Filecoin work seamlessly and finding product-market fit alone; rather, our strategic priorities are about bringing the Filecoin community together and supporting the community in accomplishing these objectives collectively.

Measuring Progress: 2025 Objectives and Key Results

To measure the ecosystem’s progress toward our primary 2025 objective of making Filecoin work seamlessly and achieving product market fit, FF has a new set of ecosystem-facing Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for 2025.

We hope that by setting ambitious, clear, and measurable targets, we can track the ecosystem’s progress, find and fix roadblocks, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate ecosystem successes along the way.

Here's how we're measuring our ecosystem progress in 2025:

Objective: Make Filecoin Work Seamlessly, and Find Product Market Fit

  • Key Result (KR) 1: Network storage utilized increases 5 PIB per day

    Strategic priority this relates to: Support open-source data onboarding tools, with an eye towards stability

  • KR2: 75% of on-chain deals are renewed before expiring

    Strategic priority this relates to: Wage a war on pain points; drive a process to align the community on the most important actions to take to make Filecoin work seamlessly and achieve product market fit

  • KR3: The number of paid deals grows 25% QoQ

    Strategic priority this relates to: Support storage providers in finding profitable business models and boosting paid storage deals, including through supporting a deal pipeline

  • KR4: At least half of the top pain points (identified and prioritized through a process that involves ecosystem stakeholder input) are addressed

    Strategic priority this relates to: Wage a war on pain points; drive a process to align the community on the most important actions to take to make Filecoin work seamlessly and achieve product market fit

  • KR5: At least 25% of funding is allocated to iterations or ongoing maintenance of previous projects rather than new projects

    Strategic priority this relates to: Shift from a “launching” culture to an “iterating” culture, emphasizing quality, polish, and stability

  • KR6: Land and promote at least 12 new major partnerships, resulting in at least two media hits in top-tier crypto outlets (with positive sentiment) per collaboration and at least 3 mainstream media placements

    Strategic priority this relates to: Keep the community excited through high-profile and high-quality integrations and partnerships (including platform integrations and AI partnerships)

  • KR7: On-chain activity increases by 25% quarter over quarter

    Strategic priority this relates to: Dramatically increase on-chain activity

Filecoin Foundation’s 2025 Budget

FF is looking forward to supporting the community in 2025, and we have designed FF’s budget to support these objectives, key results, and strategic priorities. Here is a look into FF’s planned budget for its 2025 fiscal year (subject to change):

Ecosystem Grants - General & Support$4,837,8691,331,814
Ecosystem Grants - Network Metrics$1,380,000156,000
Ecosystem Grants - FVM-Related$354,0200
Data Onboarding, Storage Provider, and Enterprise Programs & Grants$3,279,842131,412
Token Holder-Related Grants and Research$563,7000
Use Case Grants and Support$709,45388,836
Solutions Architecture$419,65531,100
Developer Relations$615,64142,307
User Experience Improvement$831,0000
Protocol Implementation Grants$2,821,0000
Network Security (Including Bug Bounty and Network Audits)$2,206,955119,988
Network Governance$927,60846,596
Filecoin+ Grants and Support$1,354,76363,648
Network Infrastructure Grants$1,484,0000
Network Tooling Grants$960,0000
Events, Comms, Marketing, and Design$7,799,258373,096
Regulatory and Policy$1,656,71236,374
Enablement (Legal, Finance, HR, IT, etc.)$3,757,148545,813
Other Operating Expenses (Insurance, Taxes, etc.)$4,609,72371,579
Cross-Functional Personnel$762,087409,995

We’ll be sharing more about FF’s impact in 2024 and our plans for 2025 in our upcoming annual report. We are looking forward to working alongside the entire Filecoin community in 2025 to bring our shared vision to life. Join us in building a resilient, decentralized, and user-empowered Web.

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